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Yoga Mat and Straps


Here’s What They’re Saying

REVIEWS: Testimonials

“I’m absolutely loving Sarah’s beginners Pilates class! Since starting I don’t feel as tight - I feel looser yet stronger! I feel confident doing the class online yet it’s almost like she’s in the room with you and if there are any questions she’s always available to answer them thoroughly. It’s not an issue if I need to go at my own pace & advice is given on any adaptations needed due to my condition. Would highly recommend this class!”

"Thanks for the message, very much appreciated. The classes are great ya, really enjoying them now i have to say. I've found my squat has improved a lot at CrossFit, especially coming out of the bottom position, my hips are not as tight as they were. The fire hydrates were great yesterday, haven't done those in ages now. I'll have a look around for my resistance band as well for the next day"

"Hey Sarah, really enjoyed the pilates over the last few months, I’ve been managing a number of injuries over the last few years and always struggle to keep movement and core stability going during the off season. The pilates classes have been great to keep my hips/hamstrings and core active on a weekly basis. Highly recommend"

"Hi Sarah, Yes it was great thank you so much! I’ve quite a weak core/glutes/ lower back, so trying to build them up so it was great! Will definitely be signing up for more".

"Hi Sarah, Absolutely loved the class. Have wanted to do Pilates with a long time because I suffer with my glutes/hips and lower back a lot. I feel so much looser already. Will definitely be signing up again"

Hey Sarah, I'm really enjoying the classes. I feel sae pushing myself and the instructions are really clear. I was a bit afraid at the start because of my back injury. It's great to have the option to do them online too especially when you're rushing in the door!"


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